About "Pi"

“Pi” (Nicole) received her RYT-200 hour teacher certification in 2014. Prior to receiving her certification, Pi practiced for many years under highly respected instructors. She explored virtually all styles of yoga before centering her focus on Hatha, Gentle and Power/Vinyasa Yoga practices.

As an active equestrian competitor in multiple disciplines including eventing, dressage and endurance racing for over 30 years, former competitive mountain trail runner and avid hiker, Pi teaches with an eye towards proper body alignment for ultimate athletic and structural development while striving for injury prevention. She tailors her practices to help support her students’ athletic and fitness goals and endeavors. Whether they need a gentle day of recovery or a more intense day of strength training. As a fellow athlete, with injuries as a “biproduct” and empathy as a result, Pi understands the unique needs of athletes while having compassion for those just wanting to feel better in their body and mind. Additional certifications: Y12SR (Yoga 12 Step Recovery) in 2017 with Nikki Meyers, a yoga certification centered on recovery from any and all addictions, including PTS and other forms of trauma.

Pi’s motto, “I am not your typical yogi. Yoga does not need to be serious and silent. I want my students to laugh and smile through their personal journey during our practices together. If an occasional “word” slips out on the mat, oh well, that’s part of the stumbling stones of the yoga journey. My practices are where ‘Eastern Practice Meets Western Personality’ and I am happy for it. I hope you will be too.”